Press Release

October 6, 2010
Wicomico, Worcester & Somerset Counties to Receive Help


U.S. Senators Benjamin L. Cardin and
Barbara A. Mikulski (both D-MD) today announced that Shore Up! Inc. has been awarded a $40,189 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development grant to assist very-low and low-income homeowners.
  The $40,189 Housing Preservation Grant will be used to finance low interest or deferred loans to help low-income homeowners in Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties repair their homes and remove substandard conditions.


 “We need to ensure that all Americans have access to the financing they need to remove dangerous and unsafe conditions and to make the necessary home repairs that will ensure the health and safety of families,” said
Senator Cardin.
  “These funds will provide those in need with affordable loans to help ensure their homes are structurally safe and sound.”


“I am pleased that these families will be able to get the helping hand they need to make repairs to their own homes so they can continue to share in the American dream,”
Senator Mikulski said. “My economic purpose is to give those who are not middle class the chance to get there, and Shore Up! certainly gives families that opportunity.”


The Housing Preservation Grant Program provides grants for repair or rehabilitation of low and very low-income housing. Very low income is defined as below 50% of area median income (AMI) and low income is defined as between 50% and 80% of AMI.
  Shore Up! Inc. is located in Salisbury and it is a Community Action Partnership whose mission is to aid and empower individuals and families who, because of age, disability or economic conditions cannot move toward self-sufficiency without some assistance.
  In 2008, Shore Up! Inc. received a USDA Rural Development grant of $35,000 to assist with housing improvements.