Press Release

September 7, 2010
Job Training Will Help Pull Nation Out of Recession

U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) today visited the Susquehanna Workforce Network for a round-table discussion of about jobs and the economy.
  The Susquehanna Workforce Network has received approximately $1.7 million in

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
funding since 2009


Susquehanna Workforce Network is a non-profit corporation that helps to coordinate and plan workforce development programs for Cecil and Harford counties. Since 2009, the Susquehanna Workforce Network has used its Recovery Act dollars to provide training and job counseling for 222 adults.
  The current placement rate for adults is 86 percent, including 95 percent for dislocated workers.
  Using Recovery Act funds, the Network also has been able to provide job training and summer work experience to 182 youths.


 “Job training and development are the only way we are going to pull ourselves out of this recession,” said
Senator Cardin, a member of the Senate Budget Committee.
  “The Recovery Act funds that have gone to the Susquehanna Workforce Network are an investment in our future so that residents of Cecil and Harford counties will have the job training they need for jobs that are becoming highly technical and skilled.”


“We welcome the Senator to the Cecil County Workforce Center. Our region is proud to showcase the collaboration that exist with area businesses and local economic a workforce organizations to create workforce solutions for business and assist residents in achieving their employment goals,” said
Bruce England, Executive Director, Susquehanna Workforce Network.