Press Release

July 14, 2014
Senator Cardin Decries Mismanagement of Sensitive VA Claim and Personal Data by Baltimore VA

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) released the following statement in response to reports that the Baltimore Office of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) mishandled sensitive documents:


“Today’s revelation of mishandled VA claims, sensitive medical information, Social Security numbers, and other personal data at the Baltimore VA is one more example of betrayed trust. It is time to guarantee an end to gross mismanagement of the VA disability claims process.   Soon Congress will consider the FY2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), and I will be calling on the Senate to support my amendment that would assure all applicants a rating within 180 days by making the temporary Fully Developed Claims (FDC) Program, a permanent part of the VA Claims process.  The FDC program, facilitated by partnerships with numerous Veterans Service Organizations, has demonstrated success in reducing processing times. My amendment would ensure that the VA will provide any veteran who uses this program a final rating in an expedited manner, or a provisional rating after 180 days. I am committed to making sure that our veterans receive the services and benefits they have earned and the support they have been promised.”

