Press Release

September 5, 2017
Sen. Cardin: Trump’s Words Making NKorea Matter Worse

President Donald Trump’s language about North Korea has made an extremely dangerous situation even worse, Sen. Ben Cardin, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Tuesday.

“We have got to find a common interest,” the Maryland lawmaker told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program. “China is the country that can change the equation in North Korea’s calculation.”

“Both China and the United States would like this done without a military option,” Cardin told the show. “We have got to find a common agenda working with China, and maybe Russia, that can tone down this crisis.”

If Trump wants to use force, though, he should ask Congress for authorization, Cardin continued.

“That’s what I believe is the constitutional responsibility of separation of the branches,” Cardin said. “Congress authorizes force. At this point, though, I would hope that he is looking at a way of dealing with North Korea without the use of a military option.”

China and Russia likely agree that a military option puts their countries at risk as well, said the senator. “We have to find at least explore a common agenda on diplomacy.”