Press Release

January 19, 2007

Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) today co-sponsored a bipartisan resolution (S. Con. Res. 2) that opposes President Bushs plan to send 21,000 additional troops to Iraq and offers several recommendations for a changed strategy in Iraq. The Senator voted against the war in Iraq and has repeatedly called on President Bush to present the American people with a plan to start bringing our troops home.

Last November, the American people sent President Bush a message that they want a new policy in Iraq, said Sen. Cardin. Unfortunately, the President has ignored the wishes of the American people and has chosen to stay the course, but now with even more American troops in harms way. I am firmly opposed to the Presidents plan to escalate the war in Iraq. I strongly believe that we need to change the course so our troops can start coming home. The President should follow the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group and escalate our diplomatic efforts, not the number of U.S. troops. We will only win in Iraq with political and diplomatic solutions, not by flexing our military might.

Democrats and Republicans in Congress alike are voicing their opposition of the Presidents plan because we know its taking us in the wrong direction. Its time for the President to start listening to Congress and the American people.

The resolution was originally introduced by Senators Joseph Biden (D-DE), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Carl Levin (D-MI), and Olympia Snowe (R-ME).

The resolution states that it is not in the national interest of the United States to deepen its military involvement in Iraq, particularly by escalating the United States military force presence in Iraq. It also highlights the need for America to encourage the Iraqi leaders to make the political compromises necessary to end the violence.

Sen. Cardin supports the resolutions objective of seeking greater regional and international support for Iraq, an internationally-sponsored peace and reconciliation process, and, most importantly, a timeline for transferring security responsibilities over to the Iraqi government and Iraqi Security Forces.