Press Release

March 15, 2016
Cardin Welcomes Decision Not to Drill off of Atlantic Coast
Drilling anywhere on the Atlantic Coast threatens everywhere on the Atlantic Coast.

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, issued the following statement applauding the decision by the Obama administration to withdraw its latest plans to drill for oil and natural gas off of the Atlantic Coast of the United States.


“For years, I have strongly opposed plans to expand drilling operations off the Atlantic Coast. It is my hope that this decision finally puts to rest any and all misguided attempts to endanger the economic viability and environmental health of the region. America is already the largest producer of oil and natural gas. The risk for another Deepwater Horizon-type disaster simply outweighs any potential benefits associated with more drilling. Oil spills and the damage associated with seismic exploration do not respect state boundaries, making drilling anywhere on the Atlantic Coast a threat everywhere on the Atlantic Coast,” said Senator Cardin.   


Senator Cardin has long been a leading voice in the Senate calling on the Obama administration to abandon plans to drill off the Atlantic Coast. In April of 2015, he introduced legislation to prevent offshore drilling in the region.

