Press Release

October 11, 2018
Cardin, Van Hollen Vote to Lower Healthcare Costs, Protect Americans with Preexisting Conditions
Decry Republican Efforts to Roll Back Protections for Working Families

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen (both D-Md.) voted in support of Senator Tammy Baldwin’s (D-Wis.) resolution to overturn the Trump Administration’s expansion of junk insurance plans. Unfortunately, every Senate Republican except one opposed the resolution, voting to roll back protections for working families.

Under these junk plans, insurers can deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions and refuse to provide essential health services required under the Affordable Care Act – including coverage of prescription drugs, maternity care, and emergency room visits. The expansion of these plans is also expected to increase costs for everyone else. While Maryland has taken steps to mitigate the damage that President Trump’s proposal will inflict on our state, residents in 42 states and DC do not have these protections.

“Junk insurance plans are exempt from covering essential services, like prescription drugs, emergency room visits, maternity care – or any service that treats a preexisting condition. The Trump Administration’s efforts to expand the use of these plans is bankrupt of all sense and morality,” said Senator Cardin. “Fixing our health care system requires serious leadership and ideas, but so far, all the Trump Administration has done is continually attempt to undermine protections for people with preexisting conditions.”

“The Trump Administration will stop at nothing to undermine the Affordable Care Act and strip healthcare coverage from millions of Americans. Their latest move to introduce junk insurance plans will endanger individuals with preexisting conditions and roll back the basic protections we’ve put in place for families,” said Senator Van Hollen. “I am deeply disappointed by this vote, and I will continue fighting President Trump’s policies that will eliminate protections and drive up healthcare costs for American families.”
