Press Release

August 21, 2019
Cardin, Van Hollen, Hoyer Announce More than $750,000 for University of Maryland Biodiversity Research Project

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen and Congressman Steny Hoyer (all D-Md.) announced the recent award of more than $762,000 in federal funding for the University of Maryland, College Park through the National Science Foundation (NSF). The project will advance scientists’ understanding of how environmental factors affect where species occur, focusing on specific at-risk species. This research is important to inform biodiversity preservation efforts.

“Preserving Maryland’s environment and wildlife is such a high priority because it is an investment in the long-term health of our state and our economy, which are tightly interwoven with our natural resources,” said Senator Cardin, a senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. “This federal award recognizes the high-caliber of research at the University of Maryland, which has proven to be an incomparable partner in projects that serve the public interest.”

“The harmful effects of climate change increasingly impact our day-to-day lives, from flooding in our neighborhoods to an increase in severe and costly weather events across our state. Climate change also continues to threaten our environment, and we must invest in the tools to protect our wildlife and preserve biodiversity, which is crucial to the stability of our ecosystems, the health of our planet, and the natural resources we depend on,” said Senator Van Hollen, a member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committees.

“This funding will allow the University of Maryland to conduct critical research to support those efforts, and underscores the value of the University’s work. In the Senate, I will continue fighting for funding to support scientific research and measures to protect our environment.” “Ensuring the preservation of wildlife in Maryland is extremely important for the well-being of our communities,” said Congressman Hoyer. “This important funding will help scientists better understand how we can help at-risk species and improve our preservation efforts.”

The NSF is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare and to secure the national defense.”  The NSF is the funding source for approximately 24 percent of all federally supported basic research conducted by America’s colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science, and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing.
