Press Release

December 13, 2019
Cardin, Van Hollen Announce Over $4 Million for Eastern Shore Airports

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen (both D-Md.) have announced $4,078,526 in federal funding from the Department of Transportation (DOT) for two airports on the Eastern Shore.

The Crisfield Municipal Airport in Somerset County (W41) will receive $670,074 to remove obstructions from the field. The Salisbury Regional Airport (SBY) in Wicomico County will receive $3,408,452 to rehabilitate the taxiway and lighting, as well as the apron.

“Crisfield and Salisbury local airports have long played a critical role in facilitating tourism and commerce on the Eastern Shore. This federal funding will improve the safety and convenience for all who rely on them,” said Senator Cardin, ranking member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee. “I will continue to work to make sure that our transportation infrastructure meets the needs of all Marylanders.”   

“These airports are vital to maintaining a strong economy on the Eastern Shore, helping area residents and businesses,” said Senator Van Hollen, a member of the Senate Appropriations and Budget Committees. “I’m committed to making sure Maryland has the funding it needs to keep all of our airports – both large and small – safe and accessible to our residents.”

These DOT grants will be awarded through the Federal Aviation Administration’s Airport Improvement Program. The program funds various types of airport infrastructure projects across the country, including repairs and upgrades to runways, taxiways, airport signage, lighting and markings – all while creating thousands of good-paying, local jobs.
