Press Release

August 3, 2017
Cardin, Van Hollen Announce More than $300 Million for Clean Water in Maryland

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen (both D-Md.) have announced that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has agreed to help fund a $303 million clean water plan developed by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). The plan will implement 36 clean water projects, including a series of major improvements to stormwater and wastewater infrastructure in Baltimore. Taken together, these projects represent a comprehensive approach to combating water pollution and guaranteeing clean water for every Marylander.

Baltimore projects being funded by the EPA include:

  • $73.7 million to Baltimore City ($36,970,800) and Baltimore County ($36,700,000) for improvements to the Back River wastewater treatment plant, aimed at eliminating the overflow of untreated sewage.
  • $46.7 million to implement Baltimore City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit program and constructing multiple green infrastructure projects designed to absorb stormwater across the city.
  • $7.5 million for three sanitary sewer collection system improvements – part of a $54.8 million funding package for 20 such projects statewide.

Other Maryland projects being funded by the EPA:

  • $86.6 million to Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) to design and construct a regional biosolids facility in Prince George’s County’s Piscataway wastewater treatment plant.
  • $15 million for Maryland’s Department of Housing and Community Development to promote energy efficiency in residential homes with the goal of reducing atmospheric pollution around the Chesapeake Bay.
  • $5.6 million to the City of Hagerstown to design and carry out emergency repairs to the Edgemont Reservoir.
  • $3 million to Calvert County for an upgrade to Solomons wastewater treatment plant to improve water quality in local waters.

“These funds represent a federal investment in Maryland’s ongoing efforts to ensure clean water for every family. When access to clean water becomes a challenge, it negatively impacts everyone in the community. That’s why it’s so critical that states maintain a federal partner in the EPA,” said Senator Ben Cardin, a senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. “I’m proud to support MDE’s clean water plan and proud to see it being endorsed and facilitated by the EPA.”

“This funding will help to advance many water infrastructure projects that are vital to clean water reaching every Marylander,” said Senator Van Hollen, member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “For the health of our communities, our economy, and the Chesapeake Bay, we must continue to improve our infrastructure and work to protect the environment.”
