Press Release

March 4, 2015
Cardin: Time to Move Past Keystone

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.) issued the following statement after the Senate voted not to override President Obama’s veto of S.1, a bill that would have circumvented the regulatory process and forced the approval of an extension of the TransCanada Keystone XL pipeline:


“For the entirety of this Congress, the Republican-controlled Senate has been focused on end running the normal regulatory process so that a Canadian oil company could export dirty oil through our heartland. I voted against S.1 and today I voted to sustain President Obama’s veto. In the time we’ve wasted on Keystone, the Senate could have been doing more to support job growth and working American families, debated tax reform and immigration policy, even begun to craft a comprehensive, 21st century energy policy grounded in science that incentivizes the use of renewable sources and encourages innovation and research. Over the last two months, I have been working across the aisle with colleagues on legislation that could make a real difference to our economy, our environment and America’s leadership in the world. Hopefully now that the Keystone XL vote is in the rearview mirror, the full Senate can get down to real business and consider truly worthy legislation.”   

