Press Release

August 4, 2020
Cardin, Sullivan Recognize U.S. Strategic Partnership with Mongolia

WASHINGTON U.S. Senators Ben Cardin (D-Md.) and Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) have introduced a resolution recognizing the strategic partnership between the United States and Mongolia. The resolution reaffirms the U.S.-Mongolia partnership, congratulates Mongolia on 30 years of democracy, and encourages continued efforts to strengthen civil society, battle corruption, and spur economic development. A companion resolution is planned to be introduced in the House by Representatives Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) and Dina Titus (D-Nev.). Click here to read the full resolution.

“Mongolia is a well-established democracy in very tough neighborhood,” said Senator Cardin. “There should be no doubt of U.S. support for a strong, sovereign Mongolia whose 30-year commitment to democratic principles contributes to our national security goals in Central Asia, East Asia, and beyond.”

“Mongolia has held high the torch of freedom and democracy for 30 years, withstanding pressure from powerful neighbors who have little regard for these ideals,” said Senator Sullivan. “America’s close partnership with Mongolia, a bastion of democracy in a difficult region, will be crucial in the decades-long challenge to counter the rise of authoritarianism in Asia. I commend the people of Mongolia for the great economic and political strides they have made, and I look forward to strengthening our two nations’ friendship in the years to come.”


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