Press Release

March 20, 2018
Cardin Statement on Tragic Events at Great Mills High School

LEXINGTON PARK, Md. – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) today released the following statement on the student shooting at Great Mills High School. 

“I was heartbroken to learn about the school shooting this morning at Great Mills High School in St. Mary’s County, Md.  It is a parent’s worst nightmare that their child will not return home from school at the end of the day. I travelled to St. Mary’s County today to offer my support to local officials. I also met with Governor Hogan, fellow members of our congressional delegation, and federal and state officials on site.

“I thank the first responders who rushed toward danger to neutralize the threat to the students and treat the wounded. I commend the actions of the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s School Resource Officer who acted decisively to save the lives of students, teachers and school personnel. And I am grateful for the help of our federal partners from the FBI and ATF who are on site and providing valuable assistance for this crime scene.

“But thoughts and prayers are not enough.  Our students need to know they are safe in their schools. They are pleading with adults to act like adults and take action. We cannot wait for the cycle of violence to repeat again and again without making a change. Last week, I joined Maryland students from Montgomery County at the Capitol during the National School Walkout to demand Congress pass commonsense gun safety legislation. This Saturday I will again join Maryland students at the March for Our Lives in Washington. This student activism should move Congress to rise above partisan politics and finally enact gun safety legislation that is broadly supported by the American people.”
