Press Release

July 9, 2014
Cardin Statement on the Confirmation of Julián Castro to be HUD Secretary

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) praised the bipartisan confirmation today of Julián Castro to be Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Senator Cardin met with incoming Secretary Castro earlier this week. They discussed a wide range of housing issues impacting Maryland families, including the lingering high rate of foreclosures, low-income tax credits, as well as community programs and federal tools available to help Marylanders afford and stay in their homes.

“Every child deserves a kitchen table to do their homework at each night and a safe place to call home. I look forward to working with Secretary Castro on the diverse issues of concern to Marylanders. We have made progress since the housing crisis was at its worst, but, currently, Maryland still hovers at the second-highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Too many of our neighbors are still struggling,” said Senator Cardin. “Secretary Castro has a record as a strong leader and proponent of sustainable neighborhoods. I encourage him to hear firsthand from the mayors and housing counselors, faith leaders and community organizers who are working locally to ensure that every Marylander, every family, every senior and every veteran, has an affordable roof over their head. Budgets may be tight at HUD, as with most of the federal government, but I intend to make sure Secretary Castro focuses the resources he does have in the communities in Maryland and elsewhere that need the most support and investment.”

