Press Release

April 28, 2014
Cardin Statement in Honor of Yom HaShoah

“On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, I join people from all nations and all faiths in remembering the six million Jews and others who had their lives and families torn apart in the Shoah. We honor the memory of those humanity lost and cherish the lives of the survivors. In the United States, Israel and across the world, Holocaust Survivors still bear the physical and mental scars, proof of the barbarism some are capable of. Survivors are a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of faith. Sadly we are losing Holocaust Survivors daily, along with their priceless knowledge of our history. They have our utmost respect. Now, more than ever, we must do all that is possible to allow the Survivors among us to age with comfort and dignity.


“In memory of those who fought back in Warsaw and elsewhere, this Day of Remembrance must also be a day of action.  ‘Never again’ must not be words left to history but actions that we take daily to protect the basic human rights of all peoples. We must be vigilant in the fight to erase ignorance and blind hate from our communities. We owe it to past and future generations work towards a more just and caring world for all people.”