BALTIMORE – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a member of the Senate Finance Health Care Subcommittee, responded with the following statement after the president signed an executive order to weaken the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA).
“Once again, the President is taking steps to undermine the Affordable Care Act. He has already taken actions to destabilize the individual market by creating uncertainty around cost-sharing reduction payments and by making massive cuts to outreach programs that encourage individuals to sign up for health coverage. Now he is creating a situation where the risk pool is destroyed as younger, healthier people flee the exchanges for low-quality coverage. Counter to his proclamation, premiums will go up for millions of Americans specifically because of the actions the President is undertaking.
“I believe health care is a human right and that universal coverage is absolutely essential. The President’s continuing efforts to sabotage our American health care system are dangerous and will put people’s lives at risk as they will no longer be able to afford coverage that can do them any good when they need it most. Simply having coverage is not enough. It must be affordable and the quality of the health care, including protections for patients, cannot be compromised.”