, DC
U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD), a member of the Senate Budget Committee, released the following statement in response to Senate Republicans blocking consideration of the Reid-Byrd Economic Recovery Act of 2008.
“We all agree that our economy is in serious trouble, but Republicans in the Senate continue to put partisanship before tried and true relief for millions of Americans who are hurting financially and in need of immediate help. As we work through what the right tools are to pull our economy out of our current financial crisis, I believe it is outrageous to leave our most vulnerable citizens sitting on the sidelines waiting for Congress to act.
“The economic stimulus bill blocked from further consideration today would have brought targeted help to low-income and unemployed Americans who were hit first by the downturn in our economy. As we head into colder months, this bill would have brought help to millions of Americans struggling to pay for skyrocketing energy costs like heating their homes. This bill also would have helped states provide low-income health care at a time when demand is on the rise and state revenues are down.
“Congress has a responsibility to stabilize our national economy, but we also must protect and support our citizens who feel the hurt every day. We must fulfill our obligation to the American public and pass an economic stimulus soon.”