Press Release

September 22, 2011

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure, issued the following statement on President Obama’s call for rebuilding America’s infrastructure:

“It makes no sense that America’s infrastructure is crumbling while we have record unemployment in the construction industry. We have to make a change and we have to do it soon. And we have to stop talking and start doing because gridlock does not create jobs, it only worsens the problem. When our country faced economic challenges in the past, we overcame our problems by putting people back to work — rebuilding America’s bridges and roads, schools and airports, and everywhere updated infrastructure can help better our communities for business, tourism and even daily commutes. Investing in infrastructure jumpstarts our economy now while providing a literal foundation for long-term jobs. Like the President, I know there is much work to be done and so many people willing and able to do it.

“Improvements to Maryland’s transportation infrastructure are at a critical point. Freight movement through Maryland is critical to commerce along the entire Eastern Seaboard and BRAC is bringing hundreds of defense personnel, their families and support services to the state. Compounding these challenges is some of the worst traffic congestion in the country. Fortunately, Maryland Department of Transportation has made addressing all of these issues a top priority. Now they need active partners in the Congress and U.S. Department of Transportation to provide the resources necessary to help get Maryland’s more than 10,000 transportation professionals on the job working on these critical transportation initiatives. The President’s American Jobs Act is a sound vehicle to help get hard-working Americans to work on critical infrastructure projects that repair and maintain our existing infrastructure, enhance the safety and efficiency of our transportation network and improve U.S. competitiveness in the global economy. Congress needs to act.”
