Press Release

January 21, 2021
Cardin Says Biden Exec Orders on COVID-19 will Allow U.S. to Finally Respond Effectively to the Pandemic

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) praised the first round of executive orders signed by President Joe Biden to finally create a cohesive and coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The executive orders signed so far include requiring face coverings and social distancing on federal property; invoking the Defense Production Act to increase supply of essential COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and personal protective equipment; and empowering FEMA to set up 100 community vaccination sites in the next 30 days.

“President Biden’s first actions exemplify the decisive federal leadership the U.S. has needed all along to respond effectively to the COVID-19 pandemic. Implementing sound public health guidance shows a much needed whole-of-government approach. Not only will these actions turn around the U.S. COVID-19 response at home, but it will allow the U.S. to reclaim its position as a global health leader. Already, President Biden has rescinded the U.S.’s withdrawal from the World Health Organization and issued a directive that the U.S. will join COVAX, a mechanism to ensure equitable access of coronavirus vaccines. President Biden’s initiatives give me hope that we will finally break through the desperation of the last year and return to robust way of life with our loved ones.”

