WASHINGTON — U.S Senators Ben Cardin and Barbara A. Mikulski (both D-MD) announced a U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) grant of $55,120 to erect informational and educational interpretive signage along the Star Spangled Banner National Historic Trail that runs through Bladensburg, Cottage City, and Colmar Manor. The federal funding is part of the National Scenic Byways Program, which supports outstanding scenic, historic, cultural, natural, recreational, archaeological qualities along National Scenic Byways.
“The Star-Spangled Banner Trail commemorates the War of 1812 and its legacy in the Chesapeake region. It offers a unique combination of land and water-based sites, giving visitors a unique understanding of Maryland’s role in the war that shaped our nation,” said Senator Cardin, a member of the Environmental Public Works Committee. “This grant will help Marylanders and all Americans have a much better understanding of the importance of the Battle of Bladensburg in our nation’s history.”
The Star Spangled Banner Trail is a living memorial to those who gave their lives to protect our young nation,” Senator Mikulski said. “I am proud that these federal dollars will help connect Marylanders and visitors alike with the immense challenges that our men and women faced in preserving our liberty.”
The Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail includes more than 560 miles of land and water routes in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. It follows movements of British and American troops during a period of political and social turmoil that secured our nation’s independence from Great Britain. This grant will increase the number of interpretive signs from 10 to approximately 30, helping Americans have a better understanding of the importance of the Battle of Bladensburg. It was during this battle, in 1814, that President James Madison became the only sitting president to ride into battle.