Press Release

December 30, 2012
Cardin, Mikulski, O’malley Announce Approval Of Emergency Food Assistance For Somerset County Residents Impacted By Sandy

WASHINGTON U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and  Barbara A. Mikulski (both D-Md.), along with Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, today announced the United States Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service has approved the Maryland Department of Human Resources’ request to operate a Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) in Somerset County, Maryland. D-SNAP food stamps are another benefit of the Individual Assistance designation that Maryland’s Congressional Delegation fought diligently to secure for Somerset County.

“The people of Somerset County are still reeling from Hurricane Sandy, so the announcement of additional support from USDA to help keep food on the family table during this season is welcome news,” said Senator Cardin. “We continue to fight to ensure that the federal government fulfills its obligation to step in and help local governments where they feel the damage is just too great to handle alone. We are all in this together.”

“Super Storm Sandy’s wrath had a measurable impact on residents of Maryland, and especially on the residents of Somerset County,” Senator Mikulski said. “Two months after Sandy, it’s important that these residents know that they have a federal government on their side. That’s why I fought so hard for Individual Assistance for families and businesses in Somerset County.”

“Senators Mikulski and Cardin and the other members of the Maryland Delegation have played a vital role in our efforts to assist those in Maryland who were impacted by this historic storm,” said Governor O’Malley. “I encourage Somerset County residents who think they might be eligible for this emergency food resource to apply as soon as possible.”

D-SNAP provides temporary food assistance for households affected by a natural disaster. A D-SNAP provides one month of benefits to eligible disaster survivors and can facilitate the issuance of supplemental SNAP benefits for ongoing households. To be eligible for D-SNAP, a household must live in the identified disaster area, have been affected by the disaster, and meet certain D-SNAP eligibility criteria.

The covered period will be 30 days, from October 28, 2012 through November 26, 2012.  DHR will determine applicant eligibility using household income, resources, disaster-related expenses, and other circumstances for this period only.

Applications will be accepted from Hurricane victims beginning on Monday, January 7 through Sunday, January 13 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday at the following locations:

Somerset County Department of Social Services

30397 Mt. Vernon Road

Princess Anne, MD 21853

Phone: (410) 677-4200

Disaster Recovery Center

The Lower Somerset County Ambulance & Rescue Squad Building

#2 Mill Lane

Crisfield, MD 21817

An affected area must have received a Presidential declaration of “Major Disaster” with Individual Assistance in order to request a D-SNAP.

Senators Cardin and Mikulski and Governor O’Malley were relentless in seeking the Individual Assistance designation for Somerset County despite FEMA’s initial denial of Individual Assistance. Governor O’Malley appealed the denial with the support of Senators Mikulski and Cardin.  On December 15, 2012, President Barack Obama designated Somerset County as a Major Disaster Area eligible for Individual Assistance due to the destructive effects of Hurricane Sandy.