Press Release

October 2, 2007


Senators Benjamin L. Cardin and
Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today congratulated the seven schools across the state that have been named 2007 No Child Left Behind Blue Ribbon School Award winners from the United States Department of Education. Only 287 schools nationwide received this prestigious designation for public and private schools. All the Maryland nominated schools were selected by the Department of Education as Blue Ribbon School Award winners.

The seven winning schools are:

— George Washington Elementary School in Baltimore City

— Hereford Middle School in Baltimore County

— Red House Run Elementary School in Baltimore County

— Burleigh Manor Middle School in Howard County

— River Hill High School in Howard County

— Winston Churchill High School in Montgomery County

— St. Andrew Apostle School in Montgomery County (private school)

“I’m so proud of these Maryland schools that have proven themselves as models of educational excellence. We know that a quality education consists of tough academic standards, safe and drug-free schools, and the latest in math and science technology,” said Senator Mikulski. “Maryland’s Blue Ribbon schools have mastered these ingredients.”

“This is a great honor and I commend the students and faculty of these seven schools,” said Senator Cardin. “These schools have become schools of excellence and are a role model for the rest of the State because they have demonstrated that our students can succeed.”

The No Child Left Behind-Blue Ribbon Schools Program honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools that are either academically superior or that demonstrate dramatic gains in student achievement to high levels. The schools are selected based on one of two criteria: 1) Schools with at least 40 percent of their students from disadvantaged backgrounds that dramatically improve student performance to high levels on state tests; and 2) Schools whose students, regardless of background, achieve in the top 10 percent of their state on state tests or in the case of private schools in the top 10 percent of the nation on nationally-normed tests.