Press Release

September 26, 2013
Cardin, Mikulski Announce $2.9 Million to Improve Health Care Rate Reviews in Maryland

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Barbara A. Mikulski (Both D-Md.) announced today that the State of Maryland has been awarded a grant of $2,896,277 that will increase transparency and lead to lower health care costs for consumers by strengthening the rate review process of Maryland’s All-Payer Claims Database. The Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene will use the funds to improve the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of medical claims submissions from private issuers, third party administrators, and Medicare.  The State also will create a web-based online tool that will permit consumers, employers, and the general public to easily access health prices and insurance rates.


“Maryland has been ahead of the national curve on implementing the very reforms that will lower prices for patients while increasing the quality and efficiency of health care. This federal investment recognizes the value of Maryland’s All-Payer Claims System and uses the latest technology to help it work better for all of us,” said Senator Cardin.


“Maryland is an innovation state, and I am committed to ensuring we are at the forefront of putting health care reform into action,” Senator Mikulski said. “These funds in the federal checkbook will help strengthen Maryland’s claims system to provide more accurate and timely claims. That’s an important part of implementing health care reform and meeting Maryland’s health care needs.”


“In Maryland, we are committed to constantly enhancing the way we use data to make government more efficient, effective and transparent and to improve the lives of our residents,” Governor Martin O’Malley said. “These resources will allow us to better use the data we already have as we continue to give all Marylanders access to quality, affordable healthcare.”


According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that awarded the grant, Maryland will integrate data from the All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) into the rate review process by developing an APCD Rate Review Analytics Application. Metrics used for rate review will be organized in “Data Marts” that support the most common analytic inquiries, while providing the capacity to drill deeper into the data. By incorporating medical claims data into rate review, the Maryland Insurance Administration will be able to review requested rate increases in the context of the health insurance issuer’s actual claims experience as well as state and local medical trends.

