Press Release

April 13, 2011

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) today announced the launch of his newly redesigned official website.  The new website is far more user friendly and navigable, enabling constituents and other users to easily access information about the Senator’s legislative priorities, how to register their views on important issues, constituent services, information about Maryland, tips on visiting Washington, D.C., and other helpful information.  In addition, the new site has seamlessly integrated social media and multimedia, making easier for visitors to interact with the Senator.    

“Technology plays a pivotal role in maintaining an open and transparent democracy, and I hope my new website does just that,” said Senator Cardin.  “I look forward to connecting with Marylanders through this highly accessible website, and I believe that it will serve as a valuable resource for those seeking to learn more about my legislative priorities, Maryland, and how government can work for them.” 

Some of the new features include:

  • A new Front Page that prominently displays top news and information about the Senator’s key legislative priorities: the economy, health care, the Chesapeake Bay, and working for Maryland;
  • Multimedia and Social Media integration, including the Senator’s Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Flickr pages;
  • An Enhanced Newsroom Page, allowing users to easily keep track of news about the Senator;
  • An Easily Navigable, User-friendly Layout puts critical information about agency assistance, veterans’ resources, and other issues at the users’ fingertips;    
  • And, a visually appealing format, highlighting Maryland’s cities, towns, landmarks and natural resources.
