Press Release

April 24, 2008
Long over-due vote bill supports and honors all veterans

Washington, DC –
U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin praised the Senate’s 96-1 passage today of the

Veterans Benefit Enhancement Act

, which enhances insurance, mental health, education, pay and other benefits for those who have fought on behalf of the United States. Senator Cardin released the following statement:


“Our servicemen and women as well as their families make enormous sacrifices for our freedom.
  In return, Congress has an obligation to invest the money and create the programs necessary to provide quality, comprehensive health care services, mental health counseling, disability compensation, pay increases, better education benefits and more. That responsibility grows daily with so many of our troops fighting overseas.


“I am proud of what the Senate has accomplished today. The

Veterans Benefit Enhancement Ac
t, S.1315, contains several critical benefits improvements to ensure that veterans young and old have what they need to provide for their families and lead full, productive lives.
  Provisions in S. 1315 will improve life insurance programs for disabled veterans, expand the traumatic injury protection program for active duty service members, extend for two years the monthly educational assistance allowance for apprenticeship or other on-the-job training, and provide individuals with severe burns specially adapted housing benefits.
  These are important benefits and services that mean a great deal to the nearly 500,000 veterans living in Maryland and to veterans around this country.


“I hope that House will vote soon and send this vital legislation to the President for signature. We owe that much and so much more to this nation’s veterans.”