Press Release

October 19, 2009
$400 Million Benefitting County; 55 Officer Positions Among Jobs Created

Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD) today joined
Congressmen Steny H. Hoyer (MD-5) and
Chris Van Hollen (MD-8
) and Congresswoman Donna Edwards (MD-4) at a press conference in Prince George’s County to talk about how the federal

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
(ARRA) is working to create jobs and invest in critical priorities. Preliminary reporting information shows that to day Prince George’s Co. jurisdictions, businesses and federal facilities have been awarded at least $400 million in Recovery funds, which have gone to projects investing in transportation, clean water, education, workforce development, public safety and housing, among others.


Prior to the press conference, the lawmakers met with County and local law enforcement to discuss how funds will enable jurisdictions to hire additional personnel and purchase needed public safety equipment. The officials reported that more than $15 million in additional funding has provided resources to finance 55 officer positions in the County and will allow the purchase of needed interoperable communication equipment.


In addition, the ARRA has provided 558,757 Prince George’s County taxpayers with tax relief, issued unemployment benefits to 19,515, and enabled 96,597 low income children and adults to access continued health benefits through Maryland Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (MCHP).


“Recovery funding has meant money for jobs and for important local and community priorities that have been hard hit in this economy,”
Senator Cardin, a member of the Senate Budget Committee.
  “This funding has provided Prince George’s County with more than $15 million for public safety and for protecting our citizens.” 


“The Recovery Act is helping to create jobs, provide relief to families, and invest in key priorities in Prince George’s County and our state,”
Congressman Steny Hoyer.
“While there is still more progress to be made, particularly in terms of hiring, the Recovery Act has succeeded in staving off a sustained recession and is working to rebuild our economy and put people back to work.”


“Rebuilding the economy is our top priority, and the Recovery Act is the cornerstone of that effort,”
Congressman Van Hollen
. “In Maryland, this funding will help strengthen our communities and provide the necessary resources for our local police forces.”


“The Recovery Act has provided critical funding to help the state of Maryland and Prince George’s County through this difficult economic environment
,” said
Congresswoman Donna F. Edwards.
  “These funds have been used for a number of key community priorities, including hiring 55 police officers here in the Prince George’s County Police Department.  As state and local governments across the country continue to suffer budget shortfalls, this critical funding will help save and create jobs, while keeping police on the streets and making our communities safer.” 


“I would like to thank Congressman Hoyer and our entire congressional delegation for all of their efforts to help us secure federal funding for public safety in Prince George’s County,”
Prince George’s County Executive Jack Johnson.
  “Public safety has always been a top priority of my administration and I am proud that we have such strong partners at the federal level providing us with additional resources to further ensure the safety of our citizens and residents.”


Last Thursday, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board released
its first report on a portion of Recovery Act spending awarded to private contractors.  In Maryland, contract awards totaling $590 million have directly helped to create or save 966 jobs, and in Prince George’s County, $23 million helped save or create 241 jobs.  The majority of reported contracts are still in progress or have yet to begin and will lead to greater job creation in the months ahead- both directly and indirectly. A comprehensive report on Recovery Act impact will be released on October 30

Resources for Maryland Recovery Act reporting:

Maryland StateStat/Recovery Reporting:

