Press Release

June 22, 2007
Goal Would Make U.S. 90% Independent of Foreign Energy


U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin today praised Senate passage of the

CLEAN Energy Act
, calling the legislation “an Apollo-like commitment to make our nation energy independent and to wean Americans from their dependence on foreign oil.”


The Senate bill included two amendments proposed by Senator Cardin.
  The first would create a bipartisan National Commission on Energy Independence to ensure that 90% of all U.S. energy needs are supplied by domestic sources.


“A National Commission will create a framework in which we continue to monitor and adjust our nation’s energy policy to ensure that we reach energy independence as soon as possible,” said Senator Cardin.
  “Energy independence is critical to our national security and to ensure that rising energy costs do not threaten our economy.”


The second Cardin amendment would require new federal buildings or federal redevelopment projects plan for storm water runoff.
  “Storm water runoff carries pollutants to streams and rivers and poses a significant problem for the Chesapeake Bay,” said Senator Cardin. “We have the technology to significantly reduce storm water runoff and this legislation will ensure that we implement it.”


“Senator Cardin's approach makes good sense.  Build it right the first time and not have to clean up dirty waters later,” says Nancy Stoner, Director of the Clean Water Project at the Natural Resources Defense Council.


“This is a good first step, which will require the government to implement proven technologies to reduce pollution,” said Roy Hoagland, Chesapeake Bay Foundation Vice President for Environmental Protection and Restoration. “The federal government should be a leader in this area, and we thank Sen
ator Cardin for his efforts.”


The Senator also praised the Senate-passed energy bill for significantly raising CAFE standards to 35 mpg by 2020.
   “This increase will reduce American gasoline consumption by more than 1 million gallons a day.”


He also praised the Senate bill for calling for a significant expansion of renewable fuels over the next 10 years.
  “Maryland companies are at the forefront of biodiesel development and this legislation will ensure that more Americans have access to renewable fuels such as biodiesels,” said Senator Cardin.