Press Release

February 10, 2016
Cardin Decries Supreme Court Decision to Halt Clean-Power Plan

WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a senior member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee issued the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s Decision to halt enforcement of the Clean-Power Plan while challenges work through the courts.


“Science tells us climate change is real. It is deeply disappointing that a collection of special interests and politically motivated Attorney Generals were able to slow the implementation of the Clean- Power Plan. In recent years, the international community has made great strides in developing and agreeing to bold steps to avert the most disastrous impacts of climate change. Tonight’s decision by the Supreme Court is yet another step backwards for the United States and a major win for entrenched special interests. Future generations will be impacted by this move to mire the Clean-Power Plan in lengthy court battles and appeals. Some may be celebrating tonight, but make no mistake that all of us who care about the shared future on this planet, including an overwhelming majority of the scientific community, will be hard at work tomorrow looking for ways to act on climate.”

