Press Release

October 21, 2011
Cardin had Co-Sponsored Legislation to Avert Teacher and Police Layoffs

Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, responded with the following comments after Republicans unanimously blocked the Teachers, First Responders Back to Work Act.

“I am disappointed that Senate Republicans again blocked us from taking action to help hire teachers and emergency first-responders and avert damaging layoffs.  In this time of economic uncertainty and hardship for so many Americans, it is inexcusable that Congress is failing to respond immediately to create more jobs and get the economy moving again.  The legislation would have provided $35 billion in aid to help keep or put 400,000 teachers in the classroom, and make sure that state and local governments had the resources to retain and hire first responders to protect our communities, keep them safe, and take care of our children.  The legislation is fully paid for by imposing a minimal, half-percent surtax on income above a million dollars.  It is unclear why asking all Americans to pay their fair share continues to be a stumbling block for progress.” 
