Press Release

December 8, 2020
Cardin Congratulates Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott
"Maryland's federal delegation will be at his side as an active partner"

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Ranking Member of the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee and Ranking Member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee, released the following statement to mark the swearing in of Brandon Scott as the mayor of Baltimore City.

“Congratulations to Brandon Scott on becoming the 52nd mayor of Baltimore. He represents an opportunity for renewal and growth for our city at a difficult time. In the midst of dueling public health crises of a global pandemic and ongoing violent crime, I want to assure Mayor Scott that Maryland’s federal delegation will be at his side as an active partner bringing the full weight of the new Biden-Harris administration to Baltimore City. We shall work together at the state, federal and local levels in order to see that Baltimore City again thrives.

“As Maryland’s senior senator, I will work tirelessly with Mayor Scott to break down the barriers that have locked out too many Baltimoreans from a vibrant life and healthy future. Driven by local needs and direction, together, we will collaborate to determine the right mix of federal investments in education, housing, health care, transportation infrastructure and public safety that can create real opportunities for city residents. We can do more to support minority- and women-owned small businesses and maximize use of the tax code to encourage economic development.

“Baltimore continues to be blessed by a world-class port, top-notch healthcare providers, distinguished institutions of higher education, innovative businesses, impressive cultural assets and a proximity to lucrative markets up and down the East Coast. And in its residents, Baltimore finds a dogged work ethic and an unsinkable spirit that equips the city with the strength and resiliency to make great strides in the years ahead. 

“Like Brandon Scott, I was born and raised in Baltimore. We may have grown up at different times, but our shared love for this city and its people is unending. I am excited for the future of Baltimore and wish our new mayor the very best in the weeks and years ahead.”
