Press Release

May 25, 2018
Cardin Calls Trump’s Latest Attack in Federal Workers “Outrageous”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) responded swiftly to the Trump Administration’s latest attack on federal workers through three Friday-night executive orders.

“President Trump has been relentless in his needless assault on federal workers. This latest strike is an outrageous attempt to strip legal rights and due process from employees and bust unions. Despite more than a year as President of the United States, Donald Trump has failed to recognize that the two million men and women supporting him in the federal government are hardworking, patriotic Americans who typically have put service to their country above personal gain. I am proud of the great number of federal workers – public servants- who live and work in Maryland. They deserve our gratitude and not the partisan-fueled denigration coming from The White House. I will do everything possible in Congress to mitigate the implementation of these executive orders.”
