BALTIMORE – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) released the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s remarks on gun reform.
“I support President Obama’s actions to combat gun violence and protect our neighborhoods. The president should not have to go it alone. We have an epidemic in America and all of us need to deal with it in a sensible and commonsense way. Inaction is not an option; it only fuels those who think partisan gridlock is a reasonable way to respond to what each year is killing 30,000 Americans — children and far too many citizens simply going about their daily lives. I do not accept gun violence as normal. None of us should.
“The vast majority of Americans, including gun owners, support requiring background checks for all gun buyers. We can and must do more to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill, including giving additional resources to our law enforcement agencies that enforce our gun laws.
“We can protect the constitutional right of Americans to own guns while simultaneously recognizing that this right is not unlimited. The Supreme Court has upheld the authority of Congress and the states to enact reasonable regulations on the possession and use of firearms.
“I have and continue to stand ready to do my part, and I call on my colleagues in Congress to work together on a bipartisan basis to enact commonsense legislation to further reduce gun violence and save lives. President Obama is doing all he legally can do to try to make a difference and save lives. It should be without question that Congress should do all it can to save the lives of Americans, too.”