BALTIMORE — U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) today addressed the Maryland Clean Energy Summit on how clean energy technology can help stimulate business growth that will lead to more jobs. More than 300 business executives, elected officials and academic leaders gathered at the event, which was hosted by the Maryland Clean Energy Center, to identify ways to further leverage the burgeoning clean energy industry to generate jobs in the face of the nation’s “jobless recovery.”
“Creating jobs is my top priority as a Senator, and there are few better ways to get America back to work than through investing in clean energy,” said Senator Cardin, a member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. “Investment in clean energy will strengthen our national security, protect our planet, and most importantly, create thousands of jobs. Maryland is at the forefront of this new economy as we continue to out-innovate our neighbors.”
Since 2003, Maryland’s clean energy economy has grown by 3.1 percent annually to more than 43,200 jobs. With continued federal and state support, Maryland’s clean energy economy is projected to need 100,000 jobs by 2015. The summit marked an opportunity for key public and private-sector players responsible for the state’s growing clean energy economy to connect.
A recent report by the Brookings Institute found that the clean energy economy employs roughly 2.7 million workers, which is more than the fossil fuel industry. The American Center for Progress found that every dollar spent on clean energy creates nearly four times as many jobs as an equal investment in oil and gas.