Press Release

September 30, 2020
Cardin Says a Continuing Resolution is “No Substitute for Regular Appropriations Bills”

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a member of the Senate Finance Committee, issued the following statement on the Senate vote on the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 that funds the federal government until December 11.

“Ending fiscal year after fiscal year with continuing resolutions, instead of doing our jobs and passing regular appropriations bills in a timely manner, is no way to run the country. It is important for Congress to make clear our intent in federal spending and fully exercise our constitutional power of the purse. This is particularly urgent when the needs and priorities of our constituents have drastically changed due to COVID-19. I appreciate that this agreement provides significant assistance to seniors, families, and children struggling with food-insecurity as a result of the pandemic. However, in the midst of a major health crisis, a continuing resolution is no substitute for regular appropriations or even emergency spending. I urge appropriators to bring to the full Senate all regular, bipartisan appropriations bill as soon as possible. Let’s do the job the American people elected us to do.”
