Press Release

May 14, 2018
Cardin Commemorates 70th Anniversary of Israel’s Founding

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, released the following statement Monday commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the nation of Israel:

“Seventy years ago today, the nation of Israel was conceived, fulfilling the millennia-old aspirations of a people constantly persecuted for their faith. In Israel, Jews around the world could look to a permanent home founded in their faith tradition and their values, particularly meaningful after the horrific devastation of the Holocaust.

“Today I’m mindful of the courage it took President Harry Truman, against the advice of some of his closest advisors, to recognize Israel’s right to exist.

“It was a hard-fought founding and since then has been a constant struggle for freedom and security due to physical threats from abroad as well as the ugly stains of anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions occurring with alarming frequency even today.

“In a region beset by turmoil, Israel has a dynamic democratic system and a robust economy of highly-skilled, well-educated populace. It is imperative the United States continue to stand by Israel, help her thrive, and support her on the international stage.

“In order for Israel to have the future she and her people aspire toward, it is imperative that both the Israelis and the Palestinians agree to a framework to jumpstart negotiations toward a two-state solution. Two states living side-by-side in peace and security remains the only viable option to ensure Israel’s best years are ahead of her – a goal shared by Jews and peace- and freedom-loving people the world over.”
