Vote Date | Description | My Vote | Vote Result |
09-19-2024 | On the Cloture Motion
Motion to Invoke Cloture: Rose E. Jenkins to be a Judge of the U.S. Tax Court
| Yea | Agreed to (Y:76 N:15) |
09-19-2024 | On the Amendment
Paul Amdt. No. 3289; To rescind funds from the Department of Energy loan programs office. | Nay | Rejected (Y:47 N:47) |
09-18-2024 | On the Nomination
Confirmation: Margaret L. Taylor, of Maryland, to be Legal Adviser of the Department of State | Yea | Confirmed (Y:50 N:44) |
09-18-2024 | On the Nomination
Confirmation: Michelle Williams Court, of California, to be U.S. District Judge for the Central District of California | Yea | Confirmed (Y:49 N:44) |
09-18-2024 | On the Cloture Motion
Motion to Invoke Cloture: Michelle Williams Court to be U.S. District Judge for the Central District of California | Yea | Agreed to (Y:51 N:44) |
09-17-2024 | On the Nomination
Confirmation: Mary Kathleen Costello, of Pennsylvania, to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania | Yea | Confirmed (Y:52 N:41) |
09-17-2024 | On the Cloture Motion
Motion to Invoke Cloture: Motion to Proceed to S. 4445, Upon Reconsideration; A bill to protect and expand nationwide access to fertility treatment, including in vitro fertilization. | Yea | Rejected (Y:51 N:44) |
09-17-2024 | On the Cloture Motion
Motion to Invoke Cloture: Mary Kathleen Costello to be U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania | Yea | Agreed to (Y:54 N:42) |
09-16-2024 | On the Nomination
Confirmation: Kevin Gafford Ritz, of Tennessee, to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit | Yea | Confirmed (Y:48 N:46) |
09-12-2024 | On the Cloture Motion
Motion to Invoke Cloture: Kevin Gafford Ritz to be U.S. Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit. | Yea | Agreed to (Y:49 N:42) |